Dirty Santa v. 3.0 – 2019

Friday before Christmas the Arlechinii met for the last time this year. We
don`t meet that often besides the rugby moments (to put this on the to do list for 2020), but for Christmas we make time each year. I guess that every big group besides families (although we`re also some kind of a family, …non-traditional) does during this period some kind of secret santa. We do the Dirty Santa. It gets some fun in all this compared to other versions.
This year we met in Fire Club all kind of Arlechini and it was well. There is some kind of a rugby atmosphere for guys like us. We have two showcases with proofs of our existence. I read somewhere that seeing them it`s a “must do” in your life.
At this meeting not only that we get silly, but we use the occasion to review the past year, establish some objectives for the next year, socialize and party.
Dirty Santa.
I will not explain the rules. I`m just saying that there are brought all kinds of presents and it sucks to extract a small number. It was me – 2. WTF?! It seems a bit ironically that I got 2 when I was laughing of others who got bigger numbers on which I wrote some expressions that can be heard only after 22 o`clock. If you get a shitty present, very probably you`ll stick with it. This year I totally decided to keep the present no matter how much it sucks because it will be the best you can get. This only if someone else doesn`t steal it from you, or you`ll exchange it willingly with some shittier one without realizing it during your rush to get rid, this year, of “Gina”. In fact all presents are very practical but these get to the wrong persons and they are not exchanged or stolen that often. Meaning that sometimes some present would be good for some person but that person either is not there at that moment, or it does not exist at all. On the other side we complain hypocritical as we are the ones getting there used pampers, shitty hats, mop, etc.. But without such things, which work as destabilizing factors and which put in motion all the thefts, socializing and silly jokes, I guess that our meetings would suck. So some of us will still troll.
It seems the year we had was better than the last one and it seems it was always so. We managed to know us better and meet new teams thanks to the games and the tournament in Warsaw we had, to open up to Touch, and survived one more year. It ain`t easy and nothing is sure when practicing amateur/social rugby in Romania 2019 (yes – that country that got qualified to each world cup till recently) and all this is thanks almost to a single guy and internal funds.
For the first part of the year we set some games, another tour, then we take a break and see what life brings us.
To such events old or inactive members join us also. I was happy seeing old faces and that we manage to stay a functional group in spite of being a very atypically one having members of different ages and very different backgrounds. I don`t want to do a group analysis: it would he hard and I`d be wrong. You`ll get who we are by reading this blog. Or joining us.
After we finished with the Dirty Santa (the greatest present was a Barbarians t-shirt) and had some beers, getting dizzy (alcohol consumption is pretty evident in social rugby and also before 1995; fortunately we can have fun with less of it. I can prove it: we need only 25-30% of what is considered much), we thought it would be a good time to challenge that 25-30% and went in another place where Procesul (the Process) would have continued in another form. It was funny that there we had the clubs polo on, making shitty jokes, being very natural, H. dancing with a beer holder on the head and twisting with some childish thing for warming the hands, other scenes too, while the other persons there, in contrast with us, were very busy in maintaining some image of themselves.
We wish you for the next year to be healthy and laugh a lot. I have no idea how I can wish someone lots of laughter (maybe as just as I did it…) but there`s a beginning for many things. It would be great in 2020 to start exercising more. Not necessarily rugby or touch, missing by this some quality time with us, but at least 2 weekly sessions of 20 sprints of 100 meters with 20 sec. pause, or running weekly like 10 km with 5 min/km speed, or something that puts your hearth at work, decreases cholesterol, maintains a healthy weight and makes you smile after it finishes.
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