About Arlechinii

We started out of passion for rugby and for its values. In spite our daily routines, different backgrounds or personalities, we make time for meeting, training and supporting the cohesion of this group just for the whole experience it brings

In the early days, our dream was to take part in the Flanders Open Rugby tournament – the biggest of its kind in the world. This set the goal to constantly outperform ourselves while playing for fun, enjoying every joint effort.

We aim for spectacular running rugby, avoiding contact and “stop the time” when we`re together off the pitch.

During the years, we were glad to host touring sides putting on the table a rugby spirit which fueled ours in such a manner that made us hungrier and eager to promote it, either locally or when touring by ourselves. Touring is an important component of our club as it fosters the group spirit and it supported the clubs existence.

One one hand, we offer competitive rugby, appreciated by any team we played with, but also by former ruggers that joined our ranks. On the other, we put a lot of energy in the social matters so that, as a group, being even a non-playing member it is a joy to be among the Arlechinii by being respected, considered and finding here a friendly atmosphere. We`re a open-minded organization, always adapting, trying new approaches in enjoying each effort and open to new members no matter their rugby experience.

As a group, we consist of members ranging ages 20 to 60, different jobs, locals or expats. This provides also personal development, new friendships, professional networking.

As a club, we advocate for sport as a healty lifestyle, for wide general public access to sports infrastructure and events, for rugby as a valuable and meaningful approach to personal and community development or, at least, a manly alternative to football 🙂. This commitment is shown in our history by initiating & organizing local rugby competitions, supporting other romanian clubs in their initial development, making donations to those in need.


Former and actual members


Why joining and what to do if you would like to become one of us

We practice this sport for pleasure.

This club is a social rugby club, an after work rugby, a club where we encourage diversity, regardless of age, gender, social status or other possible differentiations.

We believe in the idea of ​​volunteering, without expecting a financial or other reward for involvement in club activities.

Participation in trainings is and will remain optional but participation in friendly matches or in future tournaments will be made depending on the presence and involvement of each of us during the training.

Rugby Club Arlechinii Bucuresti is a team of AMATEURS. Beginners always have priority, and those who have played rugby in the past must understand this and adapt. The players cannot be members of the club or whose other clubs affiliations has not expired for at least four years.

We are a single team; personal pride and frustration are not well received within the group, those who do not understand this will be excluded, as well as those who create or encourage small groups within the team.

Payment of the monthly contribution is mandatory, regardless of the number of trainings we participate in that month. The money will be used only for the benefit of the club, not for personal purposes. Each member has access to the list of payment of contributions and to the statements of account. Everything is transparent.

Accidents or injuries of any kind (including death) resulting from participating in trainings or matches within the framework organized by the Arlechinii Bucharest club, are risks assumed by each member by signing up to this club, the club not being liable for any damages due to this fact.

We treat teammates with respect, we try to get away with training to increase our level of play and understanding of this sport.

We control our emotions regardless of the situation, it is forbidden to offend teammates, opponents, referees or spectators.

Whether we lose or win, we always respect the opponent, recognize and applaud the value, including within our team.

We permanently promote the values ​​of amateur and social rugby, as well as rugby in general: honor, dignity, respect, teamwork, discipline, fairness, the joy of playing.

We are proud that we are part of the Arlechinii Bucharest team, we carry with dignity the equipment and colors of the club, we involve ourselves in the actions organized by the club or in which the club is a partner, we come with great pleasure at training, matches or tournaments, we talk with respect about our team and we try to convey our message to others.